Timesheet Builder+ Raw Note File

The first step in running the Timesheet Builder+ processing cycle is to create raw note files.  These raw note files can be put together on an iPad or iPhone in notes, in a Mac TextEdit, imported from a Windows machine as a text file, or even created in a word processor.   The idea would be to copy/paste the contents of your data file (however generated) into a Mac TextEdit file and save it as an RTF.  Generally, it is a good idea to create one raw note file per day.  Timesheet Builder+ can process multiple files per day but treats them as separate entities and not combine them as you might want them to be. 

There are several key components to the raw data file.  Let's look at an example and review it part by part...

Wednesday 1-4

611-8 / triage emails / 09:00-09:30 / t

61-2 / 09:30-10:00 / x

look at promotes - scott-a finished 42294

get that booked properly and ready to go

there is a meeting to review this - prep my notes for it

61-2 / n

asked dave to open up my 12/19 time so i can update it in recap

it appears to be locked down - oopsie

61-2 / 10:00-10:25 / x

meeting: january window review

attendees: scott-a, mark, tom, scott-r, dave, candice, mike, dave-o, darby,

don, dave-j, kevin-m

quick review of what going to production 

walked down diane's list 

follow up with john heid on the active pick archive set up ****

68-5047 / 10:25-10:40 / x

talked to john heid and he says that what we have is ok

he wasn't sure how to access iseries data ok

i steered him to mccoy and the store audit webapp

i can work with him on that if that doesn't work

we can also do some lookup stuff with him as well

624-5 / 10:40-10:50 / x

talked to tom about fixing up correct backstock fact programs

we will get a new issue for this one

scott-r took care of that

617-6966 / 10:50-11:45 / x

worked with tom on some basic environment setups

we got DPX and UPX working

UPX at first was not showing menu setups

62-1 / 11:45-12:00 / x

showed tom some odds and stuff with the mac software

611-10 / 13:15-13:30 / x

look at blue light from last week

very odd - warehouse transfer case for qty 4

got two distros for quantity 2

first one blew off and the second one was fine?

i'm not sure what went on and i'm not sure i care

they did NOT flip the SKU so that's ok

62-5 / 13:30-13:35 / x

volunteered to help CPI with test plan information

61-2 / 13:35-13:40 / x

agreed to the company ethics policy and filled out necessary forms

611-8 / triage emails / 13:40-14:00 / t

611-8 / 14:00-15:00 / 16:20-16:40 / x

pulled together some emails for jlat

first were VASNs that came down very twice very close

i asked what types of VASNs they were

then i saw some larger ones that were split between two files

do we have the data corresponding to my L3 files on tape?

yes, did some searches to find it

got the tape with the data on that matches my data 

i got two tapes to pick from 

PL 12-11 is AP0615 and PL 12-18 is AP0632 and AP0633 *****

i can move AP0633 to test and keep it around for an extra 30 days 

i can get the data off of the tape and see what they sent me

i'll take two examples and work them out i suppose

61-2 / 15:00-16:00 / x

meeting: weekly leadership meeting

attendees: jon, scott-r, scott-a, randy, jrad, nate, candice, dave, laura

quick review of january - need CCs start on thursday please

everybody seems to understand no work for fixes in 2012

bugs will be a bigger problem

what would be the next list for prod 

goodyear kick off next week with initial design meetings

no power HA stuff for sure

preliminary call for roger for later this week

work from process flows - current state - we need demo

specs from MANH 

1. deliverables are mod matrix plus details 

2. configuration changes

3. danglers and opportunities - features

need a demo with some data 

we need a list of what to do - meet with thursday

look at DOO from atlanta 

get some stuff together tomorrow - talk about it *****

SIM stuff - questions still working for phase I - data creation and time

lots of testing in late january 

611-6 / n

aaron is helping expedite TMS server updates tomorrow

he has made the changes and that should be that

he will bring up everything in the morning when he gets here

62-2 / 16:00-16:20 / x

DKHI0004 is getting patches from IBM after 5pm on Thursday

we will need to kick everybody off - i'll take care of that

need to talk to renee or whomever is doing this tomorrow 

then saturday will be a bunch of fixes and we will need schedule changes

who is actually on call?  aaron is on call on 1/14 

need to make sure he can do this - talked to him

i'll take care of the on call on 1/14 if aaron changes the schedule

i will follow up mid-next week on that *****

tried to catch tom foley for thursday - he's gone - i'll catch up later ****

i thought renee was doing it at first and she referred me to foley

61-1 / get organized / 21:45-22:00 / t

First, it is good though not required to put the day and the time on the first line of the input file.  Timesheet Builder+ takes that first line and uses it as a title line on the output timesheet files.  Strictly speaking, you don't NEED to put some kind of identifying line in the raw note file but it can be helpful.

Next you will see that the rest of the raw note file contains a series of blocks of text separated by one or more spaces.  Each note block needs to have a  header for Timesheet Builder+ to be able to interpret and process that block.  The header consists of several sections.

The first section is a string of characters which identifies what project and task the note block belongs to.  To work best, the ID string should contains only numbers and a single dash and should start on the first character of the line.  It can also contain a single period which can be used when the number of clients being tracked is greater than 9.  The numbers to the left of the dash identify the client and the task while the numbers to the right of the dash identify the subtask. 

Let's look at some examples....


The client number is '6', the task number is '1' and the subtask is also a '1'. 


The client number is a '3', the task number is a '63' and the subtask is '9453'. 


The client number is '36', the task number is a '3', and the subtask is '9453'.

The number to the left of the dash can be cross indexed to a task definition file or they can be simply interpreted 'as is'.   Without the task definition file, Timesheet Builder+ does apply some rules to those identifying strings and if the string does not follow those rules, Timesheet Builder+ will not know how to classify the following text block.  With the task definition file, Timesheet Builder+ will match up the data in there with the identifying string and the task definition become more flexible.  You don't need to use a task definition file but it is very useful.  For now, let's assume there is NO task definition file.

The first character in the identifying string is the client number.  This limits the number of clients that Timesheet Builder+ can process at one time to 10 unless you use a time definition file.  A client could be an actual client or simply a classification of notes that you want to separate at the highest level.  The remaining numbers identify the task class being done for the client.  Notes with the same client and task class will be grouped together in the same note output file.   The task sub-class is the part of the identifying string to the right of the dash.  There does need to be all three elements of the identifying string for Timesheet Builder+ to properly classify the note block.

Note blocks with the same client number and task number will end up in the same output note file.  Note blocks with different subtasks but having the same client number and task number will still end up in the same output note file but under different headings.  When there is a task file, the description of the header of the subtask line will come from there.  If there is NOT a task file, the description will come from the first line on the note block.

The next element of the header line is the time duration string.  The time duration string consists of two military time entries separated by a dash.  All times will be entered as military time.  It is assumed that the time string will have a start time and and end time.  However, it is not necessary to include a time string.  Note blocks that do not have a time string will end up in the note file but NOT in the timesheet file.  This is useful if, for example, you get a brief phone call or question from someone, want to note that it occurred and what happened, but not really bill any time to it.   Timesheet Builder+ will edit time strings to make sure that they are properly formed.  If they are not, the time block will be rejected (with a message) in subsequent processing stages.

The last element of the header line is a block type code.  There are three different block type codes.  A 't' indicates that the note block will end up on the time sheet but not in the notes.  A 'n' indicates that the note block will end up in the notes but not in the time sheet.  An 'x' indicates that the note block will end up on both the time sheet and the output note files.

Also, it is ok to put a text line in with the other header information.  The text line will be considered the first text line of the note block if it exists.  However, it is not necessary to put a text line in the header.  If one does not exist, the text used will be from the first line of the note block.

Each segment of the header must be separated by a '/' character with a leading and trailing blank.  If you do not follow those rules, Timesheet Builder+ will start to run header portions together and not interpret your raw note files properly.

Let's look at some examples...

62-1 / 11:45-12:00 / x

Here is a very basic header line.  It has an identifying string of 62-1 (client 6, task 2, subtask 1).  The time duration was from 11:45 to 12:20.  Finally the block type code is an 'x', meaning that the note block will have a timesheet entry as well as an output note file entry.  The note portion will end up in file p06002 under subtask #0001. 

611-8 / triage emails / 09:00-09:30 / t

This header line has a type code of 't', meaning that no output note file entry will be made for this note block but there will be a timesheet entry.  It shows an identifying string of 611-8 (client 6, task 11, subtask 1).  It also shows a time span of 09:00 thru 09:30 and has a text string as well of "triage emails".  

68-3456 / 10:00 / n

This header has a type code of ’n’, meaning that the block will be included in the notes file but will not show up in the timesheet.  The note is for client 6, task 8 and subtask 3456. The time on the note will be 10:00.  The note portion will be in file p06008 under task 3456. 

The processor does edit out situations where the ‘to’ time is prior than the ‘from’ time.  Please note that all times are in military time and the program does not understand AM or PM.  Each time notation needs to be two numbers, a colon, then followed by another two numbers.  Any other time configuration will not be recognized as a time notation.  Time spans are two time figures separated by a single dash.  Any deviation from that format will result in the program seeing your time entry as a regular text entry and no time sheet entries will be made.