Task ID file setup

While this feature of Timesheet Builder+ is not absolutely required for you to use it, it is very helpful to do so and it is very easy to set up and will make your note files (see next section) much more readable and cut down on unintentional input errors.

The Task ID file is a file of all of the potential client, task and subtask entries that you have configured to be available to the process for use.  If you supply a file and then make a text block ID that isn’t in the Task ID file, the program will report this as an error and you will need to fix it.  There are ways to do that within the process which allow you to fix these problems easily.  Check the user usage guide for more info on that.

The format of the Task ID file is pretty simple.  Here is a small sample…

61-tasks (administration)

#1 - administration

#2 - project management

62-tasks (technical)

#1 - PC oriented

#2 - general tech tasks

#3 - promotes

#5 - remedy items

#6 - CIP

#23094 - eliminate FTP and ODBC for regular WM production users

#27115 - help implement DBMON monitoring of ODBC subsystem

#37016 - set up ODBC kill job at 3am

#39827 - assist tech with MIMIX testing

#41032 - V6R1 client access rollout

#40198 - AS/400 security audit

#42920 - powertech userid conversion program

#43689 - Expedite iSeries CUM pack and Turnover update for 7/201

#43815 - MIMIX testing processes

#44014 - QA promotion training

#44284 - get disk estimates for 2012 for tech

#45603 - investigate 02/2011 CPU spike

#46977 - help with BOREAS upgrade to V6R1

#49312 - investigate slow batch jobs in SM

64-tasks (training)

#1 - personal training

#8 - rob moore training

#9 - greg giletto training

#28749 - design and create WM training program

68-tasks (enhancements)

#1 - miscellaneous

#13531 - ticketing by PO

#13534 - final DDW promotes for IF53

#13940 - allow for VC entries at receiving

#14279 - get cutter working for label setup

#14321 - remove VAS markers for backstock cases

#14335 - help desk menu


There are a series of sections which start off with the client number and task number followed by a dash and a description of the subtasks in the section.   The key is that the first character of the line is a numeric.  The ‘dot’ notion for separating client and task works here as well as on the note file.  So section 61.1 is client 61, task number 1 while section 6.11 or 611 is client 6, task 11. 

One last requirement is that the file needs to finish with a STOP command with the S being in the first column of the text. 

Note that the subtask number does not need to be four characters.  If the subtask number is less than four characters, it will be expanded to four characters during the processing run.  If it is greater than four characters, the match up between the note file and the Task ID file will be on the last for digits of the Task ID subtask number.    Those last four characters will also be what is used in the time sheet file as well.

The process was designed to work entirely with numeric task and subtask numbers though it MIGHT work with alphanumeric characters in the leading positions of the subtask numbers.  That is an enhancement which might come in future versions of the product.